History of the school - 20 years of Podřipská škola
Soukromá podřipská SOŠ a SOU o.p.s. was established in 1992 and it was one of the first private schools in our region. From the very beginning, the school aims its field of study on the area of service and business. First specializations in the school year 1992/1993 were cook-waiter/waitress, trader, family and vocational school. Podřipská school have so filled the gap in the education market, which appeared with the beginning of the market environment in the Czech republic.
The April 22, 1992, is the theoretical date of the commencement of the school because it has been a day on which 1st podřipská vocational school has been registered in the network of schools becoming effective since September 1, 1992. First students had gone to the building of the former kindergarten in the Neklanova street. The school had been located there till the year 1999, when it has been moved to the current building in the cente of Roudnice nad Labem.
The next appraisal of high quality has been a certificate from The Association of Private Schools in the Czech Republic.
Event calendar
Soukromá podřipská střední odborná škola a střední odborné učiliště o. p. s.
nám. Jana z Dražic 169, 413 01 Roudnice nad Labem
+420 416 839 064
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